We’re very happy to share data with scientists and practitioners around the world, and many datasets are provided as supplementary materials to published papers. Some of our most commonly requested datasets are detailed below. It’s nice to know who’s using our data, so we just ask you to give us your contact details and you will receive an automatic email response granting you access. If you have requests for other datasets please contact Regan, or the corresponding author of the paper.
Global threats from invasive alien species in the twenty-first century and national response capacities

Figure 1.
We can share rasters in geotiff format for most panels in this figure. For biome shift and fire increase (panels e and i) please contact Patrick Gonzalez.

Figure 2.
The underlying data on the scoring of each country’s report to the CBD and the proactive and reactive response summaries are available in a .csv file.
Forecasting the global extent of invasion of the cereal pest Spodoptera frugiperda, the fall armyworm
The paper is publicly available here.
The distribution data we collected from the Americas are also freely available from this link.
Figure 4.
Rasters of the data in panels a and b are available.
For distribution data collected from surveys of farming households in Ghana and Zambia, from Plantwise, and from USAID pheromone traps, please contact Roger Day.